Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

Recent studies have shown that if the current trends continue, 70% of the next generation will not identify as Christian. Kids and students are looking for belonging and identity, and many of them are finding their answers outside of the church. Here at Brookfield First, we are committed to engaging our kids with truth in order to reach and thoroughly equip the next generations for a life of flourishing in Christ.

All of our kids programs — Nursery (Birth-age 3), Toddler church (ages 3-5) and Kid’s church (1st – 5th grade) — are available during our 10:00am service on Sundays. The kids are taught the word of God on a more easily understood level using instruction, video, songs, crafts, small groups and games. On the first Sunday of the month we learn about missionaries from different parts of the world and challenge the kids to raise money to support them through BGMC.

Sunday Morning Programs

10:00 - 11:30am

You can check your kids in at our kiosk in the first hallway to the left as you walk in through the main lobby. First, we'll have you fill out a short registration card with your and your child's information. Next, we'll quickly input them into our electronic check-in system, designed to ensure your child's safety. Then, you can drop them off to their age-appropriate classrooms with peace of mind, knowing that they're in good hands (and about to have a TON of fun!).