Our Leadership

Phil & Alli Morgan

Lead Pastor

Pastor Phil came to Brookfield First in June of 2003. Born in England, his family moved to Australia where he was raised from 3 years of age. His father and grandfather were both Assemblies of God ministers, and Pastor Phil’s own call to preach came when he was just a teenager. A graduate of Commonwealth Bible College (now Alphacrusis College) in Sydney, Australia, he is married to Alli, and they have six children – Ben, Sam, Bethwyn, Ewan, Lily and Tessa. His passion is preaching, and he enjoys reading, writing, fishing, and playing golf badly.

Meet our staff.

Sam Morgan

Associate Pastor - Comms. & Discipleship

Al Van Geersdaele

Associate Pastor - Care & Missions

Andrew Miller

Youth Pastor

Hannah Miller

Kids Ministry Director

Ewan Morgan

Worship Director

Marie Larsen

Business Administrator

Hope Stevenson

Administrative Assistant

Amye Huizinga

Nursery Director

Joe Quattro


Craig O' Neil

CLA Principal

Meet our elders.

Phil Morgan

Lead Pastor/Elder

Al Van Geersdaele

Associate Pastor/Elder

Roland Sorensen

Lay Elder

Rod Moore

Lay Elder