Our Story

Honoring the Past

Through the years of our wonderful past, our church family has been influential in our city and state, being a beacon of faith to all who would look for life in Jesus—the life they were created to live. We truly have a meaningful heritage. We must never forget the long-standing ministry our church has had and all those who sacrificed to make it so. We stand on their shoulders today.

Expanding the Vision

While we realize the impact our church has had all these years, we cannot live in the past. God calls us ever forward to be His church for the world in which we live. We firmly believe that God’s dream for our church is to be the place in our community where people can come and be part of a diverse, multi-cultural, multi-generational family, grow deeper in their faith and thrive in their relationship with Jesus.

Hopeful for the Future

Brookfield First exists to see a greater worship of Jesus across the Greater Danbury area through declaring and displaying the gospel. Until Jesus returns, the local church is to be an outpost and an embassy of this Kingdom, which has already arrived with the coming of Christ and will one day be fully realized at His return. Because there is an empty tomb in the Middle East and an occupied throne in Heaven, we have good news to believe and good news to tell.

Be a part of our story...

Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 10:00am.